Monday, January 17, 2005

Roll out of bed

A few days ago I was asked “why do people get up in the morning". I think this was meant to mean "why do people even wake up", a glass kind of empty comment. But, it did get me to thinking what makes people decided to get up in the morning? What drives a person to get going even though their day could be good or bad and never knowing which one it'll be? So, I thought about this for awhile, hence me posting this now after a few days, and this question still intrigues me and I feel it should be explored further. I know why I get up in the morning I love the challenge that life brings me. Any other state of being is so cut and dry nothing is more random than living. We have no control over what happens after the proverbial "shit" hitting the fan and we have no clue of how long the silver lining goes thorough our dark clouds. I've known people that have gone into spirals of depression just from one thing going wrong in there lives. Take me for example when I do anything be it for good or for bad there’s a certain mental accept ion of the results that can come from the things that I do. Now I can't lie I used to be like that I swear life was my biggest enemy my head just couldn’t wrap itself around me not being in control of every situation, but now I see that one must give up a little control just to have control. Sometimes I just want to go around and ask people why they “get up" in the morning. Do they look forward to the challenge of it all, do they wake up out of a sense of duty but if given the option they would rather not do anything at all? Do they wake up for someone else other than themselves? In the end we are all different and I could spend a lifetime trying to figure out what gives some people the motivation to get there shit together and roll out of the warmth that we all experience when we are tucked safely away in our beds. This question requires more thought.



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