Thursday, January 13, 2005

Long day

You ever have one of thoes days when you feel like your mental defenses are down? One of thoes days that even consructive critisim is not taken in a harsh way but taken in a way that it just grates on your nerves? Im having one of thoes days today. I worked at both locations of my job today i say this just as a statment not as an explination to my feeling the way i do right now it just is the way it is, my day was long, im tiered, and I wish to place what is going on in my head at this point in time here instead of internalizing everything. See that one of the good things about haveing a space like this, I can word things the way i want if you find it confusing or don't get what im saying it doesnt really matter to me cause i do this for me. I dont want people to think that I am a person who can't get his thoughts together in a nice orderly fashion so that everything is easy to read and understand because i could if i wanted to, I just dont. I have opend this space for people to read if they so chose and take from this what they do, if they take anything at all. Last time i checked there wasn't rules to what a person places into one of these things I knwo people who talk about everylast iota of their lives and people who talk about there relationship trobles with people of the opposite sex. Me i wish to make my space as fluid as possible so i can talk to you my "non-readers", wich refers to me by the way because i don't read this over and over agin to see whats going on in my head or in my life im liveing and thinking this shit so why would i want to go back and revisit it? This could be what i truely ment to say in my first post but make no mistake that this is me. A very rambaly person, if thats even a word and if it's not it is now. So take from this what you will and if you dont thats good too.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ok so im a little slow in answering my emails that I get from time to time....well a little slow is an understatement, im alot slow. So slow in fact that im posting here instead of responding back to emails that ive gotten over the past few days..."

3:19 PM  

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