Friday, January 07, 2005

ehhh night life

I realize that I have now grown very tiered of going out up here. It's not like i dont enjoy being out amongst people i mean hell I work in a damn Mall if i didnt like people why the hell would i work there? But its like i just want to hang at the crib with a good group of people and have a fun time. Is that too much to ask, but when i look at the types of environs that permeate the area im left with little recourse but to stay in the house. Wait i could be wrong about all this i could be seeing this situation out of my lack of female companionship up here. But my girlfriend will be comeing up tomorrow so that will.....should get rid of this whole miasma that is hagging over me. The only downer to all of that is that i recently lost my Pa ID, well i didnt lose it it just expiered and im not really in a hurry to get a new one. See im trying to not go to the dmv until im ready to take the test to get my real DL, but the damn book reads like stereo instuctions so my mind is all a twitter with learning this stuff, but im hopefull that when i take this test ill pass.


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