Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Update 1 of god knows how many

Ok haven't posted for awhile, so heres the break down. Christmas was spent here at the good ole apt. playing the devil game mario party 6, if you have kids and you read this dont get it for them or youll never see them again and/or they will never see you after you play it once with them. I saw blade three dont remmber when i did i just did and eh it could have been better. I also have seen oceans 12 good movie better than the first it did its job and was entertaining. Oh, I finally figured out what to do about my writers block heince me posting now. I have a christmas party on thurs i still have to find away to get there I really should think that kinda stuff through before hand, oh well it will work itself out. well thats about it for now still nothing mentally stimulating so once again dear non-readers no post of insight or anything like that.



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