Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Meanings of things or whatever you want to call it

Ok so im a little slow in answering my emails that I get from time to time....well a little slow is an understatement, im alot slow. So slow in fact that im posting here instead of responding back to emails that ive gotten over the past few days, but im busy and i can alow myself these little delays in corrispondance, can't I? The cool news is that I put some money on the cell phone so i should be back among thoes who can communticate effectivly again in a few weeks, yes i know ive said that before dear non-readers, but this time it's true I sware, pinky sware even. I see that I said in my last post that I would explain why I named this thing life of five ring, not life offerings, you know who, but that will have to wait until i sit down and really put some thought into the why's of why i did it and not just cause it sounded cool, again trust me i didn't name it that cause it sounded cool. But I will say this non-readers, I sign this stuff wolf cause its sort of become a totem for me. After you read that i ask you to go out and search for what a wolf totem means or better yet find out what is the meaning behind the animal itself , you might be supprised maybe ill post how i came about this little tidbit of my life when i post the meaning for the name of this site, maybe. Also my fav colors are balck white and grey, honestly they have always been them and i havent changed them since i was a wee lad, but the meanings behind them are just as intereseting if you care so much to look for that kind of stuff, but anyhoo, i think it might be time for mario party or some other the bumble so ill catch ya. Oh yeah i think i have it set up on this thing that anyone can psot who reads this now so feel free and damn the man for trying to get you people to join something thats free just to post



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have this wonderful way of rambling on endlessly and never actually saying anything useful, helpful, meaningful or informative. That may seem like harsh critism, but it's TRUE!! Don't get mad, I say that with much affection and humor. If you're going to post here as opposed to actually responding to e-mails, then say something that is actually coherent, or atleast try not to be so vague.


2:08 PM  

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