Monday, January 10, 2005

weekend update/news

As you can see oh dear non-reader I changed the way my site looks. I think this looks better with the general theme of the site. That reminds me most people don’t really say why they chose to name their blogg what they name it I might write that up sometime soon it's kinda stupid just putting things here with out any background on why I called this site this or why I say non-readers instead of you guys or shit like that. Also for all the people who have gotten to this site from my IM that should becoming down sometime soon so if you haven’t bookmarked this then oh well, but anyhoo on to the post.
Ahhhh, this past weekend was kinda nice. My girlfriend came up for a visit and I must say again that was kinda nice. The only downside to this weekend was that I didn’t get to play my game. Now don’t get me wrong this weekend was still good without that, but im addicted to WOW and if ya don’t know what that stands for im not saying, =).


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