Monday, October 31, 2005

Breaking the Law!.....well sorta.

Ok, It’s been since like Sept, twenty something. So many things have gone down and up, that applies to no chics sadly. Since this last post school up here has started, but that as back in Aug so that's old. I've found out in all this time that i have been a very odd object of affection for many of the womeny types that work in both of my stores. Sadly all the hot ones that worked in the other store, not mine, quit this summer. Now, on to new stuff tonight I had to break into my own apartment. This was a very unique experience me being black and all, laugh damn it the jokes get no better after this. So here I am climbing through my roommates window 'cause he left it unlocked, I have to thank him for that, while at the same time im checking to see if anyone in the development is coming up the walkway. Thankfully no one came and all is well. But let me tell you that sucked...I know I know you should have had your keys for the door, but we live in a very docile area and our door stays for the most part unlocked so none of us carries them. Well now this whole thing has taught me a valuable lesson, beat the shit out of who ever locked my damn door as soon as they get back! I mean honestly making me look like a gods damn criminal, a common one at that. No, I couldn't look like on of the cool ones you see on TV with the repelling rope and bad ass looking black hat. OHHHh no I get to look like some jack off with a book bag strapped to his back like he's doing some damn early Christmas shopping in a place that is not the mall. Hell mall thieves look cooler than I did I was all types of awkward one foot in the gaw damn place eyes darting back and forth all psycho like. Im just going to lock them out and see how in the nine hells they like it.



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