Comments, life, blogg, otherwise

First up:
"If I could clone a male version of myself could I then marry myself?
Would that be incest do you think?"
Thats not incest I would think that would end up being a very odd form of masturbation. It's still you genetically well now that I really think about it I guess it would be incest cause that would kinda be your brother, wait I dont even think that your clone would have sex with you cause if it's a true clone then it would remmber being a female and only like guys so you would end up having the best shopping partner ever, maybe kinda sortof..... Anyway.
L.s your still right about H. I have devoted many a bored day/night at work to the myriad of ways that i could and will ruin her existance if and when i get the chance. Oh the wailling and nashing of teeth there will be when vengaince will be mine. Man, i should be a supervillian when i grow up, hehehe.
Ummm third kinda:
I realized after this one small forray into the dating pool that women are nutz. Now i've always known this to be true, But!!!!!!!!!!! ;yes with a cap B and sticks with dots, I have never had it in my face crazy as i've had this past weekend. Ok cats and kittens let me lay the scene for you:
I was spending time with this very lovely lady, ya digg, now i dont mean like an hour or two. I was with her like the eniter weekend and shit. Now here comes tuesday i wake up in her bed as the wolf is want to do, she she tells me the night/day before that shes going to be busy the rest of the week. So the adult in me is like cool cool ill call you on friday and we can hang and dig the scene with each other. So i calls on Friday and to the mans supprise no call back. So im like thats fine and i goes about my day, knowing that she would be at the same shindig that i was attending. Ok fastforward to that rather cool and sexy night, im dressed just this shy of "to the nines" me and a associate of mine stepp into the place take in the scene and after about fifteen minutes I see ms lady, ill call her L......
ON aside i really like calling people by the first letter of their first name I can talk about people all day and if they ready this they have no idea.
...... I ask if the seat next to her is taken she says no and then she being to bitch me out?!!?!?!?!?! So im like Wtf is going on. She tells me that i haven't called her in five days.....
It wasn't five days it was more like three. I was with her tuesday mornning and then i called her on Friday
......and that she is so far beyond pissed at me that everyday she didnt hear from me she got madder. So after a fashion i got up and left her to stew in her own self ipossed idocy and bounced to aonther club. So yeah women are crazy beyond a shadow of a doubt. Either that or im curse to not find someone who in her infinate crazyness want to be with me.
I think that last section will fall into the otherwise section and ill will call this post done.
I think you seriously missed the boat on this one. I would have also been furious in this position. Just because a woman says she will be busy doesn't mean "sleep with me and don't call for 3 days and act like I don't exist." You always always always call!! Look, unless you wanna start sleeping with men, you're going to have catch up and realize that women are emotional. We need to be validated. We need to be made to feel special. We feel very vulnerable after a sexual encounter with a new person. This is not the time to play it cool. This is the time to send flowers, leave cute text messages on her phone, or at least CALL HER and tell her you had a great time and are looking forward to seeing her again. I love you honey, but you messed up on this one. If you like her, tell you're sorry for being an insensitive jerk.
I usually dont comment on comments, but. I dont think i missed the boat at all. One: this chic was "all about me" I know that a person could argue that most women are, but thoes where her words. I was just a guess in "her world". So im sorry if i come along and dont playcate to her twisted world veiw. Maybe i was wrong for not calling, but hey do i get all agry and shit when I have to be somewhere she wants me because she decideds to call at 2,3,or 4 in the morning. And if i say no she goes into the same bitch fit that im in now. I get that women are sensitive and emotional, but this was a situation of wanting no needing to be overly controlling and not respecting the fact that im a human being and not some damnable playing her for her own personal amusment. When it's all said and done she is just a spoiled lil rich girl that thinks that she is the center of the whole gods damn universe.
Fair enough, you left that part out. It looks like this is more about her than it is about "women" in general. Her actions don't represent the whole of woman kind. I suppose the question is, why spend energy and time with her? Why give her space in your universe in the first place? You described her initially as lovely and that you spend an entire weekend with her; which suggests she is good company and worthy of your time and attention. Not once did you mention her being selfish, spoiled or a bitch. so, as originally presented I took her side. In light of this new information I have to ask, why were you fooling with her in the first place? You're such a guy. Then again, women do the same thing. Invest energy into people who aren't worth it, just so we can have someone on our arm and in our bed. Then we get mad when they turn out not to be all we expect. So far as I can tell you got out what you put in. Nothing. So let it go and cut your losses. I know this comment is pretty much devoid of sympathy, but I also know you weren't looking for any, so it's all good. Holla!
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