Sunday, May 08, 2005

Another early morning gem

I ask the creator to

Have mercy...
On this man who uses his faults and blessings
as weapons against those who would do him harm.
On this man who has chosen to grown roses
in the cracks placed upon his heart.

Have mercy...
On this man who has had his fill of
sorrow, but has been drowning in it since his youth.
On this man who has grown envious of those who
take this journey for granted and squander the gifts given them.

Have mercy.....
On this man who has yet to find a companion
to walk his path with him,
to share in his dreams and desires,
to capture his

Have mercy.....
On this man who is unsure of the path he walks,
but walks it anyway.
On this man who is willing to endure the slings,
set backs,
and pit falls
just to become like steal fresh from the crucible of life

In all the pain, love, life, and my spirit I ask
Have mercy.


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