Tuesday, April 12, 2005

First day back

Ok back to work today. All hopped up on sudafed 12hr, joy =). You know the only bad part about all that is.......when the meds run out and you end up sucking air all day and you get a haed ache cause your brain isn't getting enough air to support basic funtionality. I honestly think that some people might have been given free shoes, cause the synapse that says take money for shoes and put in register never fiered. Needless to say i hate being sick. I hate all the sniffing and coughing and the hacking of the whatever the hell, and beathing oh the breathing liken unto drinking a very think milk shake through a freakin swizle stick.

Ok moment to breath

Work was good got stuff done need to be asleep now, but am not waiting for new drugs to kick in so i can breath and not die in my sleep.



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