Friday, March 11, 2005

Rant kinda

Ya know what? It's pretty damn hard to come up with stuff to put here. This is something that dawned on me just a few days ago when trying to figure out what to put here. See one the one hand i could talk about me and my most recent ex, but why thats like a month old now. Or i could write about how i got passed up for a posittion at my job for the second time, the first time was totally my fault why i didnt get it. But i've talked it out with someone and im over it. So what the hell am i supposed to put here now? See i would do what A friend of mine, hey big sis, and write one hundered things about myself , but i dont even know that many things about myself, so there that goes. When I started writing this thing i was all gun ho about plutting my thoughts down so i could go back and look at them later see how i've grown andall that good shit, but i write alot better when im at work see my problem is i need a lap top. Or a palm pilot so i can jot down ideas and things as they come to me so i can expand apon them later, ok thats just an excuse for me to get a palm but so i would use it ok so i need one, want one, whatever. Anyhoo i think im going to try and catch some zzzzzzz on the couch yeah im on the couch right now too , roomates are fun. But hopefully that will change, and it better not snow on sun cause I need some Q.T with a friend of mine, and if it snows i get none q.t and i wont be a happy camper, but that neither here nor there. Time for sleep


Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

You are an interesting guy, I'm sure you could come up with plenty of stuff to write about yourself. It's weird, once you start you'll be surprised what random stuff pops into your head.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

Write something else slacker!

1:58 PM  

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