Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Not knowing

I hate not knowing! I enjoy life as much as the next person I take the good along witht the bad and i move on, but everything that happens I know whats going on. So now when my liveing situtaion is up in the air and im being pulled in two different directions you can see how this is throwing my mind into a spin that i would love not to be in. Almost everyone either has no clue, dosen't want to move or wants thier own room. Whats my stance on all of this?, I really dont care! As long as i have a place to lay my head at night i'll be fine. Why dont i see this endding well? This is just way to much drama over something that should be so simple. It's time like this that make me think i should have jsut stayed at home and moved out when i had the money. But then again i wouldnt have grown into who i am now. Despite all of that we need to get this solved before life solves it for us and that wont be a pretty site at all.


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