Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Commeited, however you spell it, relationship

So this was my first night out in like how long? We went to the 'gaff, please dont ask me to spell it right cause i wont i suck at spelling. I must say that i had an ok time, it could have been better, but i have my reasons why it wasn't. Needless to say that i got turned down twcie?!?!?!?! Now im not saying that i was dressed to the nines or anything but I could have gotten a better excuse than I like to dance by myself. I must look stupid I mena i have to for someone to think that I or anybody for that matter would belive that. But hey it's State college so thats to be expected i mean im not ( fill in your sexy guy here) or anything. But i will say there was this lil chic eyeing me, but i am in a relationship so all she could do was look at the man from afar, kudos to the creator for letting me know that people other than my girl think im hot. Its times like that that let you know your a good guys, most guys would have been all over an opportunity like that;
GUY: hey girl i saw you looking at me over there....

that last part more than likely would have been in some sort of slang.
.................so why dont we get on the floor?
Girl: Teeeheee, yeah i was lookin at you, how come your not danceing?

and so on and so forth. In a vein , is that right....it looks right, attempt to get down her pants and or get her mouth on his dick. This whole night just lets me know how much I have grown people that know me would say that i was never the type to do something like the very crappy example, but hey I've grown and im useing this as an example so =b.



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