Friday, April 08, 2005

And now for something completely differnt

I had this good thing all lined up to post on here, it was about how since we are all created different by God then there is no way that we can accurately view him and come up in our small human way with one true religion. But, all my good thoughts on the subject where once again wasted at work. So I’ve started the beginning phases of writing again one only knows how that is going to turn out it might just fizzle out like most of my other writing projects, here hopping. So its bright and sunny up here in the mountains of Hicksville u.s. a. so that means all the beautiful people are out from under their many folds of cloths showing off all the good for all to see and only a few to have. It ashamed really how I do let myself be all free and shit like the kids around here, maybe it’s because I grew up awhile ago. Don’t get me wrong I do on the rare time cut loose and act supremely stupid in the things that I do the tail end of last year is a testament to that, but the college lifestyle just doesn’t suit me anymore, eh it's just me griping about lil shit again. Whatever im going to sit outside and have a beer.



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