Monday, August 08, 2005

Fresh back from vacation, It’s my sanity!!!!!!!

You know im fortunate to have a sounding board who is ass good to me as L.S. Truth be told I would have gone crazy from these past two days if she hadn't given me words of advise....

Yes it was advise ya like giving it and can't do anything about that

Honestly I almost went completely nuts. I forget sometimes that the journey is the thing and it's not the beginning or the end that matters. I don’t think though I've reached my limits of what I can learn from being up here, I just from time to time get inundated with the way I lead my life. It's not that I have a problem with it, it's just some of the obstacles seem larger than they should and I forget the lessons that I’ve learned long ago.

Damn im long winded

Long story short im allot better thanks to me sounding off on a very dear friend of mine and I wouldn't change her very comforting slaps in the face for anything.

Well maybe a few things. I mean im not into that whole slaps in the face are cool crowd. Maybe some comforting rubbing, yeah rubbings nice, or if I couldn't get that “many kisses" I'm a big fan of the "many kisses" maybe with a comforting phrase thrown in after each kiss. Just a thought.



Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

You had a vacation?! Lucky!

6:43 AM  

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