Sunday, August 07, 2005

Personal Space

I tried to go to sleep tonight with out posting anything. But as people can see I've been kinda down lately. Right now im sleeping on the couch , my most favorite of places to be in this place, just wishing that i had my own damn room so i could lay my head and just not be bothered by the daily goings on of this apartment. Two of my roomates now have thier own rooms i really dont know if they realize what kinda of fortune has smiled on them. Now yes i could have opted to pay more in rent to get my own room, but thats not the point here. I dont even really share a room as you can tell by the disporpptionate , i might have spelled that wrong, ammount of times that i write about me being on the damn couch. My roommate uses the tv in our room for his x-box so it's not like i can watch tv in my room, im honestly debateing weither to put my pc back in there it's not like if/when i get kicked out ill be able to use it and that was the whole reason for me to get the damn thing fixed, right? I miss having my own space, i dont have that anymore. I dont know if that comes from being an adult or what but who ever signed off for this to be apart of me being grown up really screwd tha pooch on this one. Do you honestly know what it feels like to come home and see some one else doing what you wanted to do. I can't even count the nights that i've come in here and have seen someone on my computer, and then while im out here watching tv have my roomate say his girl is comeing over.......

Truth be told the chic is here now, i would love to be in my bed all nice and warm sleeping away the night but NOOOOOo, not me man i get to be up nice and awake until the fucking cows come home.

I swear i hate this place and need a vacation is what i need but i use my vacation time so i can have a roof over my head, but that another thing all together I think. Ofcourse the solution to al of this would be me getting my own place, but baby steps, baby steps. I guess until that pops off, as the kids say, I got to suck all this shit up, keep a happy face a stiff upper lip so to speak. Ehhhhh my life used to be so simple.



Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

I'm going to resist every natural urge in my being and NOT offer any advice. I love you honey!
I will say this, for everything in life there is a season. Some seasons pass by too quickly, while others seem to drag on forever. But it is all intended for your good, growth and maturity. You may not be able to imagine the fruits of this labor, but that doesn't mean you can't believe their will be. That’s called hope. You may not be able to control all the circumstances of your life, but you can control how you cope with them.
You probably don't want to hear that, I don't know if it helps. And yes, I realize that technically counts as advice but whatever. Love you!!
As long as I'm contradicting myself and giving advice I will ask you this. Is it possible the reason you can't find contentment or fulfillment is because you've outgrown your current place in life? You said it yourself- you’re almost 26 yrs old. Does it occur to your adulthood is defined by more than whose on your arm or in your bed?
You quoted Oliver Twist, but you missed something. At the end Oliver did get more, so much more than he expected or could have imagined, and he was no worse for the struggle. This should be a time to develop skills, find new talents, grow as an individual, expand your horizons, and challenge yourself. Maybe you’re destined for more than even you realize. You have the rest of your life to cuddle up with a sweetheart, right now make it about you. That way when “she” does come your will have SOO much more to offer. And before you go there, I’m NOT NOT NOT talking about fancy cars, clothes or jewelry. I’m just saying mature women like mature, complete men. Not boys looking for someone to complete them.
It’s a lot easier to complain about where you are than to actually get up and move. The problem is at the end of the day, you’re still in the same place and you’re still not happy.

10:24 AM  

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