Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Whats awesome.

Before i get to the post aloow me a lil back story on my self. I belive that every person has two sides to their personality, now most people lean toward one side or another and go on about their lives this way oblivious to this. Now as for me i have at anyone given point in time in my past have tried to suppress one side of myself or another, needles to say it has lead to many hurt feelings on the part of myself and many of my friends. Now since i have grown older i have achieved a nice balance in myself that is still growing day by day.

Ok with that said, You know whats awsome?

Whats awesome is ym new guilty pleasure movie Hostel. It lets every stupid american know that when we go backpacking over in Europe that we should act like lil school children and not be lead around by our respective naughty bits cause it can very well lead to your very grusome deaths.

You know what else is awesome?

Finding out that a person that you hate is curently dateing a very racisit person who is even more close minded than her family, and if it ever 1. got out that her neice has come out of the closet or 2. used to date and sleep with a black man mr. white guy might just have to slap a bitch.

its really the last thing that has me so very happy tonight. Honestly this is me just indulging my mind with all the things that i could do to make this powder kegg of a situation end in many scrathes and scrapes. Now Is this mind set wrong , Yes. Should i do anythng like what im thinking, no. Will i do anything like im thinking, no. But when people who make themselves an enemy of me and mine I enjoy hearing about when they suffer. Again could some veiw that mind set as worng Yeah, but it makes that part of me that is still hurt feel better.

And lastly you know what is awesome?

Whats awesome is that i didnt have to do anything today at work, and i got this happy info today so i had a wonderful day at work.



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