Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Update 1 of god knows how many

Ok haven't posted for awhile, so heres the break down. Christmas was spent here at the good ole apt. playing the devil game mario party 6, if you have kids and you read this dont get it for them or youll never see them again and/or they will never see you after you play it once with them. I saw blade three dont remmber when i did i just did and eh it could have been better. I also have seen oceans 12 good movie better than the first it did its job and was entertaining. Oh, I finally figured out what to do about my writers block heince me posting now. I have a christmas party on thurs i still have to find away to get there I really should think that kinda stuff through before hand, oh well it will work itself out. well thats about it for now still nothing mentally stimulating so once again dear non-readers no post of insight or anything like that.


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

writers blog...block

Ok i have writers block. I dont know if thats applicable here cause i mean it's a blog. So how can I not have anything to write about that might be cause nothing has really happened in this past week. well thats not exactly true P.S.U's graduation was this past saturday and i did attend that. It was nice all regal and shit. Honestly, if youve never gone to a graduation outside of high school you really should go to one for college its alot different with all the pagentry and calling of names and such. ( on aside, im watchin tourque or how ever the hell you spell it and it started out and biker boys but better if youve ever seen that movie you know that thats not really hard, and then at points it became the fast and the furious, but now its ass so theres my review for that)
Anyway I should have alot more to put into this but i dont I keep having these feelings that I should put something that plumbs the inner secrets of life or some other the shit but i do all of my thinking at work i kinda wish that i hand my pc there then i could posat like all the time, but hey if i had a pc there i would get no work done, not that i do any now.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Three questions

I read something interesting today. It said, " Ask me three questions and ill asnwer them honestly" I got that from a instant messenger profile, name and realation to me with held cause I damn well chose to. But that got me to thinking what would i ask someone? I mean how would i know if they were telling me the truth am i supposed to waste one of my questions with was that the truth and even then I have a fifty fifty cahnce of that answer also being a lie. How can a person really be expected to belive someone under these rules? Maybe Im worng and im not seeing this thing for the mental gold that it really is. Maybe my mind refuses to see the limitless potential contained within these three simple questions. Hmmm, maybe ill post my three questions later after some thought. Hey what could it hurt if i put them on here it's not like anyone reads this thing but me, anyway.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

It's the holiday season

You know as I sit here and try to think of something to put in this damn thing I see that I am not going to be bale to get home for christmas and it dosent really bother me. Does that sound kinda messed up, I ask this thing like anyone other than myself reads this. I dont really think that it is. I mean what is this time about anyway, I get gifts I give gifts I go in debt more so than I already am and then I go right back to work. All so i can grind out hrs apon hrs till the next chirstmas so i can do the same thing. Maybe I would like it more if i wasn't in retail, maybe. But if I had a desk job then wouldnt this time suck still I mean lets look at the desk job vs right now. Dj, I would have the day off, Rn I have the day before and of off and the most i have to work the day after is until six and who the hell goes out on the twenty sixth? But hey maybe im just a grinch and have no holiday spirit since ive moved so far away from my mom and the rest of my family? Like i said what the hell do i know.


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Weekend Update

Ok so here it is my day off and i don't really have anything to show for it. But thats never really a concern for me, cause it's christmas time and I work in a mall so these days off are pretty much a welcome thing. In other news this past weekend two of my friends came up to my apartment this past weekend. And I have to say that we all had an enjoyable time of it all. Now that I look back at this weekend we had a change of pace witht the things that we usually do over the weekeend......wait im lying we did the same shit we do all the time if people from home are up here or not, so i guess i should take back that and say that we had a normal weekend. Well atleast I did, i mean what the hell do I know of the type of weekend everyone had, right?

Thursday, December 02, 2004

First post

Yeah I know the title is lame, but so what. It is what it is. guess i should get this out of the way now 'm going to put what want in this thing. This is about what feel at the time, to the people who end up in here I guess im sorry. To anyone who is hurt by reading this thing and you chose to comment then go right ahead and do so but i will refer you to this my "first post" for an explination. After all of that ill try to answer any questions that someone leaves as a commnet. Also Im going to try to update this around three times a week my life isnt all that grand so it might just fall from three to one or not at all hell this thing is free what do i care. Anyway, lets start the show.