Monday, September 25, 2006

Hair cut

I love cutting my own hair. Every two weeks or so when I cut my hair it’s almost a bi-weekly catharsis, seeing myself in the mirror, hair falling to the floor, and at the gradual change that I make in the few minutes it takes to cut my hair. There are times that I look at myself before and after and im not the same me. Im lighter some how like the weight of the whole world was on my shoulders and by cutting my hair and giving myself this little change I allowed myself to shrug my shoulders and let the weight, like my hair, fall away. Its also times like this that I am reminded of the secret little things that i keep to me and only me. I'm always shocked at the thoughts that go through my mind and then there are times that im not shocked at all; those times scare me the most. But after the hair cut when the natural insulation that the creator has blessed me with has fallen away and any cool or warm breeze brings familiar sensations back to my head. For that time everything is as it should be.



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