Friday, September 15, 2006

Interesting day

So work, was broing, but the thing that my day interesting is that was that a friend of mine told me that she thinks about marrying me?
We talked all day about this subject at one point the word soul mate came up honestly if i gave just to seconds of thought about who was my soul mate it would be her. We have had so many up's and downs through the almost decade we've known each other we could have been married divorced and remarried over again, or atleast people would have thought we were married from how we acted with each other. I remmber going to Penns Landing and just sitting, ive never done something like that with anyone else. She is the only person that i could honestly just get lost with and never worry about where we are as long its the two of us i know we would get out of it. We did that when we went to go see rent we missed the first act of the play, i could be wrong about the time we missed but we did miss time. Now i have this crazy feeling going on with my ring finger, its almost a ghost sensation like ive worn a ring there before and trust me i never have. Once again im closing my eyes and seeing her smile, going to her blogg looking at pics. Was all this afternoon real or will i wake up tomorrow and this will be just another mid summers night dream oh dear non-readers. It's nice to know someone wants to have you all to themselves, but you know what. The honest reason why i could never make myself do anything with her in our convoluted past i never thought that i lived up to what she could want , i still dont think i do.


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