Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A world with out us

I went to go see superman returns tonight.  Great movie let me say that first, but it got me thinking.  If you were gone for years would your personal world, friends; co-workers, etc, move on?  When and if you came back would they want you in there lives?  What things have gone un-said for so long, things that people or you for that matter wanted to do that went un-done would we regret?

I would like to think that if I were removed from my own world that people would never forget me, that ive touched they’re lives in ways that with out me they would know what to do, but would subconsciously look for me to fill the void first before they moved.  That maybe a little, I really don’t know what the word is, but I would hope that it would still be true.  What things have I left unsaid, would they still be relevant after years removed from the lives of people that I held most dear?  Can a person look into the eyes of that one special person and say, “ I always wanted to tell you that I love you” and have it carry as much weight as it would years before?

When we hear of tragedy now, and are helpless to prevent it we feel sorrow regret at some points helplessness at our inability to make things better.  Wouldn’t this magnified with time removed?  Do things change with time apart?  It’s said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but is that really true?  If a person is gone from ones life does that really make that person want to be with you even more?  We, obviously, have lives of our own.  We grow along side those of us whom encompass our worlds, we at some points even grow because of them, how different would they be if we leave and then come back?

When I was younger, I thought I wanted something more than anything, and time and time again I bore witness to it being taken from me.  I know now that these thoughts were from the mind of a confused person who mistook one thing for another, but now I find myself mentally reaching out to that person wanting to have a sympathetic shoulder.  Is this proof of that age old axiom? Even now when I look back over my recent life I ask myself has my choices to step back from the lives of some been a good thing?  Sadly the hard answer is that I just don’t know.  I am unable to reach out to some, through personal reasons, or people simply growing up and moving on.  These questions will bother me for sometime.



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