Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Mediator

Lately i've been thinking, yeah i know scary. How exactly do people end up in relationships? Personally i tend to just end up in them. It starts off very simple innocent even, just hanging out with someone new then at some point I end up spending too much time with them, then poof! I'm in relationship land. Caught in all the clap trap that comes with them. How come there isn't some sort of signal to let you know how far youve gone and wheres the exit is for you to get off if you want to leave this thing before it becomes something more than what people expect. Now yeah i gues all this can be avoided, by talking about where the interaction is going and how best to continue with both parties being mutualy happy about the discusion, but who the hell does that?
Relationships are like "Final Destination", you know a death is coming, but you never know exactly how it will happen. When it does everyone involved is like WHOA!!!! and then the movie that is the relationship continues. And all this is not to mention the relationships where one person blindsides the other with the whole im a nice guy/sane girl routinethen the front that that is doesn't fade away for like a damn year but by then you've lost like a year of your life so you either suffer through the whle thing till one of you does something so crazy that you want to blow your head off, but you dont and you just break up.

My sujestion for the whole realtionship thing is:
A mediator, there should be a person that sits both parties down and goes over the finer points of where you are and what each induvidual wants out of the whole affair. Everything can be laid out from birthdays to that small option of weather we celabrate every month we are together on the date we got together or every year, trust me that first option SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've done it and it makes you broke and sad.

That my suggestion. You may now return to your regular program



Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

I think you may have something there.

1:42 PM  

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