Monday, May 01, 2006

Every time I think im out.....

New employee: " So how old are you"
Me: " I'm 26 I'll be 27 in aug, how old are you? "
Ne: " I'm 23, so are you single do you have a girlfriend? "
Me: " I 'm single, but I have places I lay my head when i want to"
Ne: " Places, wow! So your like a pimp or something?"
Me: " No, i said places plural i count my home in all that"
Ne: " Riiiight, I'll let you slide this time"

Fastforward to the end of the night. There has been alot of shamless inuendos thrown about. One in particular about how being bad at oral is a crime. And about how that i haven't met a woman i can't handel, needless to say the response was " well your looking at her.

Me: "thanks for helping me count the deposit"
Ne: " It's cool the next time will cost you"
Me: " oh really and whats the charge?"
Ne: " well you'll just have to wait till next time to find out."
Ne: " So when's the next time i work with you?"
Me: " I have no idea you would have to ask lisa about that"
Ne: " we'll i guess ill see you later"
Me: " yeah ill see you sometime"

Then she hugs me.

Yes it's almost summer time dear non readers, and for some reason the summer is my on season. This chic wants me to do her. Yes i know thats a very arrogant statment and yeah she could just be very friendly, but you dont ask for particulars like this. And yeah i have been know to drop many inuendos over the course of a conversation hell thats my usual form of comedy. But ive already had a co worker who acted this same exact way. So all the signs are there. She wants me, and when i post letting you all know what happened, ll try not to say i told you so.



Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

So, she's 23, huh? Yeah. Casual sex with a 23 year old coworker? Oh yeah, that's a good idea.

6:11 AM  
Blogger Wolf said...

I didnt say that i would do it. It was just a comment onthe situation and how the majority of my warm season months tend to start off.

9:34 PM  

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