Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I just saw some pictures of me, and my fmaily from a few years ago. Now i dont mean fmailiy as in blood relatives, but the people who will be willing to go down to hell and drag back your soul family. It seems so long ago that we didn't have our own individual problems like we do now, i look so much younger not that my face has changed all that much ,imho. But, damn shit was alot better back then. I would love to beable and go back and live back then, theres at least one things that i would do different but that neither here nor there. But, damn its nice to dream about a time in our lives when all we really had to worry about was finding out when the next movei was or when everyone was off work just so we could hang. Im going to sleep, so i can dream of a time when there where no bills no apartments just good inocent fun.

Were is neverland when you need it.



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