Monday, November 28, 2005

Hey, i got a nice shiny quater for you mister black man, all you got to do is bendover

Ok first theres this:

Peanutbutter Jelly time!!!!!!!! <--- has audio

Now with that out of the way, I saw "Stealth" last night. Now oh dear non readers me being a black man in America I have grown used to the fact that when placed in a movie situations mostly of the sci-fi or horror genre my people male and female are going to die. Wait for a sec and just let that sink in................
You might be sitting there reading thins and say wait that can't be true, Yes it's so very true. There isn't one movie that we have survived in to the end credits and i firmly believe that while those lil white letters are rolling by there killing the black man, it's just we can't see it. I mean hell if there happens to be a sequel to the sci/horror movie does the black man from the last movie come back? NO! why cause they killed him, they go out and get a whole new Black guy to kill, like we're some expendable plot driving force that is meant to galvanize the white heroes resolve when killing the big bad guy at the end of all the craziness.
So, this brings me back to the magnum opus that is "Stealth" avoiding telling the plot and what’s going on cause im really just to pissed to go into detail, Jamie Foxx is in this movie. Good actor, i think it's safe to say. Jamie Foxx understands experimental particle phyisics , or some shit, in this move. Me being some what college educated, could barely spell physics just a few lines ago, and if its wrong no im not fixing it. So it's a safe bet to say that he is very educated in this movie. Jamie Foxx fly a highly experimental plane that has next gen stealth technology in it can go to mach 5 without the pilot blacking out can do a damn u-turn in the fucking air. Safe to say again that he is very good when it comes to flying a jet. So can some one tell me why when chasseing a computer driven jet in a canyon which you bullets wont hit, why the hell do you fire a missile at it , then miss with said missile, and then "Forget" to pull up as your mach 5 super jet flies straight into a wall?
Now, one of this genius flying partners told him to pull up before he shot the missile, does head strong Blackman:
A) fire the missile and then pull up

B) Not fire the missile at all and pull up

C) tell his other fucking two wingmen to fly ahead of the crazy pc plane that’s bent on killing untold millions of innocent people so we can kill this damn thing and go back home and have a coke and a fucking smile.

D) Shot missile and then proceed into the loving arms of whatever god this undeveloped character believes in.

I swear if anybody picks anything other than D we are going to have a problem.

So, after he dies, cause he does die. Then the white chic breaks her supper plane goes down in north Korea, bad place. Then the white guy chases the crazy plane around for a id say about four scenes, yes ladies and gentlemen four scenes do you know how fast that is? VERY! then white guy befriends Crazy plane teaches him the value of comradery and then they go save white chic. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im not bullshitting you that’s how the movie goes im dead serious it's that shitty. Ok, im done you know Hollywood just needs to start calling horro-fi movies what they are operation black shield at least then we would know that were not going to live.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm to sexy for my store

Ok so one hundred things about me, yeah right!  Honestly I don’t even know one hundred things about me and I wouldn’t want to disappoint any of you non-readers out there with seeing me try and fail to come up with them.  So anyway, back on topic, my store is a very interesting place, one im no longer up for promotion.  Yes there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth because of this.  But am I upset I hear you asking, no not really cause I enjoy a relative space of responsibility and freedom where I work and it’s a very delicate balance at best, so since the status quoe will keep going on then I’m happy.  Two, my co-worker say that I was adorable, am I have no Idea.  I really don’t, seriously!  I don’t like to think of my self as handsome or “dead sexy” im me and that’s all I have ever been.  I’ve never really asked the women that I’ve been with why they think im attractive.  Thinking that way maybe I should have I mean here I have this woman saying that im adorable and that most of her female friends would want to do me.  It’s impossible really im not that cute, no wait im not cute at all, so there is no reason that most of the women of my two stores should think this way about me.  On the flip side maybe I should just do them all and watch as that fight for my affections.  Ah I long for the days of ancient Rome, but if this was then I would either be a more or a slave and we just cant have that now can we?


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Walking with crutches on my back

I think it's common knowledge that I use my overflowing anger as a crutch for when im hurt. The sad thing is that i can hold a grudge for a damn long time, so i get angry with things for longer than i really should but in my head at least im justified. Enter H, who i have been for the past few months i have been plotting the eventual doom and or eraser from this enter existence. Now i know this is very obsessive or at the very least childish, but it has been given me a very creative way to vent my growing anger towards this person. Now i have a new person at my store whose sister hates H's guts, creator sent I think so. I should find a new hobby but my love for feudal Japan speaks to me and I can't escape the fact that if this was back then i could just ride over to where this person is I could challenge them and H would fight me or someone would fight for them and it would be solved so very simple ya know. I wouldn't have to sit here all super villain like and plot and plan for an encounter that will never happen. I know, I know, if it's never going to happen why even think about it, CAUSE! If you read some of the other post that have anything to do with H then you can see how this situation came about and why the hell it has me sofa king pissed.

For those of you that don't get that last line you have to say the first two words so they blend together.

See this whole situation is the whole reason why the guy from "Saw" does what he does. I mean if people can't appreciate the people they have around them then they should be taught how to forcibly if necessary. Anyway i just needed to vent, better on here than in my head all crazy like.
