Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Bat

Ok, i just saw batman begins, and it was..........



Monday, June 06, 2005

A post with some meat on it

I really don’t get the time to put up anything of substance on here any more. I don’t have my pc and I don’t even have my own room, which now has a very slow computer in it that im on right now. Lately the fact that I don’t have a girl friend has been on my mind a great deal. I know it shouldn’t be, what with working all the damn time, bills, and making sure I have a roof over my head, but it is. A few post back I said I missed my girl friend, we broke up, can’t miss her anymore. Then there was the holly chic, her people were, wait are, racist, we stopped talking. So here I am sitting on my couch writing this, now typing this, cause I can’t get a moment to my damn self in the place cause I live with to many people. And I realized that


I miss being able to escape from all of this. To talk to some one that wants to put up with my bullshit. I miss looking down at a woman who could care less what we do, just as long as she was with me doing it.

I miss..






Fucking (these last two are last for a reason)

All that shit and more.

Yeah I know I should just get out there, but you know what when you get out there it’s nothing but a bunch of idiots, I know I’ve seen them. I know most of them. I don’t need a woman who has to wear the latest shit, or is to good to just go to a damn regular bar, just because it doesn’t play the latest and greatest rap R&B hip-hop or whatever the hell else you want to call it. You know what I need I want a woman like they had in all those 80’s movies, a woman who doesn’t know she’s hot until you take of the glasses and then BAM! She like a damn supermodel, but somehow she’s still down to earth. Yeah I know they don’t exist, but this is my rant don’t piss me off.

*clears throat regain composer*

A while back I was asked to get married?!?!?!?!?!? ß my initial reaction.

The more I think about it im like why the hell not. But ya know how sick and twisted does life have to be for me to be asked to marry someone that I can’t see, touch, date, or hold. The weird thing is that all of that I don’t care about, I know this person, have know her for almost like forever. And I think about her a lot now, there are a lot of things that have gone down between us some things that I wish I could take back, things that were said and done through our history. Honestly, there are things that I’ve said and done pertaining to her that I regret, and I try not to regret anything, but those things I do……

*not choked up just need to stop for a few*

Ok, were was I oh yeah me alone. It’s sucks lack of female companionship sucks, and if I have to spend one more season looking at these bastards im going to take a fucking hostage, yes I know putting this on here makes it premeditated and all that, but so what! If I have to go out with the and their girl friends one hostage will die every hour one the hour until…..well I haven’t thought that far yet but believe me when I do I better have a girlfriend so some crazy shit doesn’t happen. I’m a big boy I can deal ( slaps himself on his chest manly fashion), but being alone still sucks!

He takes the three spot. Number one look out!

Ok, i've made a top ten list. I'm honored, i mean wow. This site isn't all that special, but hey im doing something right, right? So im now taken advise as to how to get this thing that number one spot, and stay there.

In other news, the book i wanted to write has once again be put to the side. I am now trying to pen a table top game , yes im a geek i know. Truth be told it's actually going pretty well, most of my good ideas happen when im at work and im actually able to retain them long enough to write them down on my break and/or flesh them out as the day goes on, hopefully this wont be put off top the side.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Days off...

.....I dont get them. That's it plain and simple no profound statments or crazy things that have happened to me so far since my last post. I dont get days off, maybe ill get thrown one day here and there, but thats it.
Yes, payless i get it

"There are five lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"